Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our own worst enemy

Let's think about it, what is the thing that gets us into trouble most? Or have we forgotten because we have lost all control of it? I think for a lot of people the second question would be them. Our tongues are so overlooked and so much forgotten about, yet they are so powerful and so evil at times. Why is that? Why do we open our mouths and spit out so much hatred and negativity so often?  I've found myself trying so hard these last few months to be careful with what I let flow from my tongue and what my mind tells me is okay to say, because how often does that happen? We say whatever our mind comes up with and we don't even ponder the effects or the disgust that is about to follow. Don't we want to be more mindful of how we are viewed by people? How our mouths will be remembered for the things we say, the good things. Gossip, slander, hate and so many things more, are not those good things and yet it's what fills the air in most conversations we hear. We are so used to letting our tongue control the filter that we should have on ourselves, but it should be our minds that control our tongue. As often or as little as you say disrespectful, hate filled comments, we still can do a better job. The sad part is, if you put a filter on a lot of peoples mouths I know, it would limit their conversation...because as we get so used to using our mouths for hurtful and wrong conversations, we forget what good things that can be talked about. Don't you ever find yourself in a room full of clean mouths and find yourself feeling awkward because you haven't had the ability to hold conversations in such a clean manner? Don't raise your hand on that one. Feeling disgusted with myself for allowing my tongue to gossip or slander is reason in itself to want change for myself, isn't that reason for you wanting change as well? We regret so many voiced opinions or statements that we have thought little about before voicing, and I know it's just our sinful human nature..but that doesn't give us an excuse to become comfortable with these occurrences and just throw our filters away. Maybe my faith comes into play as to why I'm being conscience about this, and maybe some of you don't care, but I think for other peoples sakes it's a good thing to ponder and hopefully slowly work on. I have hurt far too many peoples feelings in my life with words that I have let loose, and I apologize for that. A good place to start will be in public, when you hear we have the guts to call people out on what is being said? Or do we just shake our head? I'm calling people out in a respectful manner no matter what the look or reaction I get will be. I guess my wish would be for effort in an attempt to hold our tongue in many situations, and I mean a legitimate attempt. I can't act for you, but maybe you will make that decision. All I can do is write, and with that I go to sleep with a conscience effort that when I wake in the morning, I will control to the best of my ability what will be said. I leave you with this...

    "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, those who love it will eat its fruit."



  1. Dude, Good stuff! I have such a hard time controlling my tongue where I am at in life... The people I live/work with are very vulgar and way too often do I find myself saying the same things they say...

  2. ... I'm glad you wrote this

  3. Ughhhh I JUST had a discussion about this with two people on separate occasions within the last 48 hours, and seriously, it's HARD to not want to say things you feel, even though they're negative, and I have slipped up, MANY A TIME, but in order for it to fully take effect on my life, I, personally, think I would need a change, to not be around so many things and people and instances where my mood goes down and I think negative things.. Until then, I know it's on me to make the change, I'm just doing what I can in person, and MOSTLY in other areas of my life (fb included) to cut down on the spewage.. Like I said... it's hard, and I haven't quite found the balance between holding it in, harming myself, and spouting out all the trash I think of.. It's a work in progress.
